Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie

by Jaclyn Moriarty

Grade: Good

It was fabulous; it sucked me in totally for a whole day. But somehow it wasn't "To Own". I'm not sure why. Maybe I'll find out why as I write this.

So...Bindy herself. One of my favourite heroines ever, especially at first. At first, she reminded me of a female Psmith, and then a little bit of Cadel from Evil Genius.

The mystery. It actually surprised me, even though it was rather obvious. I was kind of hoping it would be Finnegan. Which brings me to...

...the other characters. All smashing, except for Finnnegan. And he was the "love interest"! If you could call it that; he wasn't really, but he was enough that he made me not want to own this book. But I really liked Toby, Briony, Ernst, and Astrid. Elizabeth and Emily shouldn't have had such similar names. I got mixed up between them quite a lot.

If I ever do buy this, it will go with Evil Genius. The parts I liked really reminded me of Cadel and his problems.

EDIT: I want to own the book now. I changed my mind. What do you know. Bindy is just so bloomin' awesome that I don't care if I don't like Finnegan at all.

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